Autosport Bargains

Tim, and I took a well earned day off work and headed off to the AutoSport show for one of the trade days.  As we have a competition licence we geto go before the crowds arrive.  Well I say the Autosport show…. it felt more like a RGB paddock reunion as we spent most of the first two hours shaking hands with our mates and chatted around the 750 Motor club stand.  It was in fact a an RGB get together with the added bonus of a race car engineering show being put on near by :-) . And as always we both came away fired with enthusiasm.   I suspect Tim is refitting his engine even as I speak…

Part of that show was the Sabre, which Andy was exhibiting on the club stand.   I happen to know Andy had been working to flat out after his long overdue Christmas break to get it ready and it did indeed look absolutely great.  It was Derek Jones’ car and looked great in its new Black and Orange livery…. I’d show you a picture but lack of card in the camera I was lugging about was a bit of a hindrance.


However, I did come back with some show bargains for the Sabre,  firstly there is  this huge pile of engineered bling, which represents a not inconsiderable chunk of cash and is some 80% of all the suspension joints on the Sabre most of the outboard joints are spherical bearings rather than7/16  rod ends.  No nasty poly bushes on this beastie.  There’s even a couple of joints in there for the gear linkage. These came from those nice blokes at who were running some good show offers, and who apparently took 9 tonnes of gear to the show, so I thought I’d relieve them of a couple of Kgs of it.  I also got a rather bling master switch panel…. which was very nicely made on Carbon fibre and cost less than i could have bought the switches alone for, plus I didn’t need to expend any effort to make it… whats not to like?

I’m not entirely sure where I’m going to mount the salt cellar though.


Other spendy treats included a Cartek electronic isolator, again a show offer at a very good price.  I ummed and Aahs over this for a while as generally I agree with Tim on the keep it simple stupid principle, but the clincher was a returning customer, who had had 5 years happy service from his and was now buying another one as he had changed his car and wanted the same system again.  Also it is totally titchy, and much lighter than I expected, that’s’ a 7\16th rod end for comparison.

Also shown is a very light new lifeline extinguisher trigger button…. not as it happens a missile launcher button.


Lastly I’ve just been over to Andy’s and collected my Quaife QDF7ZR Auto Torque Biasing Differential.  now that I have this I can get the engine aligned and the mounts made.  While I was there I was also collected the ZX10s airbox, and the bits I needed to build up the front right corner, so I can check the kinematics and finally place the steering column.    So Lots of bits to get bolted on :-)

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