Odds + Sods Jobs

With the car away at Tony Law’s being exhausted there is not much I can be getting on with. So this dead time is really frustrating with the season already underway.

So We’ve been getting on with a few odds and sods jobs.

Firstly Duncan and I have been doing a bunch of fibreglassing. Duncan laid up some new mounting flanges for the base of the airbox so that the new floor panel and injectors can be fitted.

Using a simple bent aluminium mould and some plasticene to give nicely rounded corners I made up a couple of filler panels. These were to cover the holes we had cut in the body last year when we mounted the full roll cage. Frankly these had always looked crap and I had wanted them tidied up for a long time. So tha plan is to bond these onto the side pods before they get resprayed British Racing Green.

I’ve also spent a couple of hours chatting via email with Fellow RGB racer Neal Constable-Berry who is also fitting an CBR1000RR. Neal had a wiring problem with no sparks and no fuel pump operation on his car. As I’d already sorted my wiring out I was able to offer a bit of advice and Neal and Andy Bates finally got his engine running so hopefully I helped out inthe trouble shooting process.

The other big thing that we thought we’d get done while the car was away was to build a secondary bench in the Garage. The main issue was that things like grinders and the metal chop saw are pretty dirty and produce an abrasive residue that coats everthing nearby. So I wanted to seperate these from my main work bench on a seperate work surface. Also as part of this process I wanted to relocate my Pillar drill to a better working height and move it to the “dirty” bench.

Of course things didn’t go to plan, and amongst other things we identified a leaking gas meter and had to call out the emergency gas service to sort it out. Using welders, and sparky grinders seemd not to be a good idea near a gas leak!

So with the bench half built and not a foot of available space due to the disruption caused by the shift round to build it Tony Law Rings up and says can I collect the car it’s ready at last and now he want’s out of his workshop as soon as possible. Great! things are finally ready when it is most inconvenent.

Demon tweeks have finally delivered the new front disks, and I’m close to sorting out the rear ones too . So with a bit of luck I might be in a position to start the engine and drive it in the next couple of weeks.

Maybe …. Just maybe

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