Fitting up the new floors

With both floors and side channels now made, it is time to fit them to the car.  So we postioned the car on the stands, and started fitting things together.

At the rear this involved reworking the radiator mounts, as the rads sit on the floor.  We made the decision to actually use the radiator to help stabilise the floor, via a couple of little Ali brackets.   We used this approach all last season  on the old Ali floors, and it seemed to work fine. You can also see in this picture that the radiator is sitting/butting up to the diagonal strengthening channel in the floor.  This is by design… we don’t just throw this thing together you know ;-)

Actually I’m thinking of reworking this radiator, so that it is a double pass unit,  it will mean moving the inputs and outputs around, but might make it more efficient.  I can TIG weld Aluminium and have a couple of mates with the right kit (my TIG is DC only), so it would seem foolish not to give it a go.

As part of the fitting  exercise I need to move the Fan to the inboard edge, so Duncan can fit a protective shroud to the outboard face and prevent damage from debris spun off by the tyre.

Up at the front the floor is fitted at the inboard edge with simple aluminium plates, that span across from the main chassis.

The outside edge is supported by a tension cable, which actually works extremely well ( I admit I was dubious)

Once the sidepod is sat on the floor edge and Dzus fastened in place it all becomes pleasantly rigid.   The tension cable is shown next to the old steel support triangle that I previously used.  (although this one is actually from the back)

Once the floor is fully fitted (and I’m currently waiting for some longer rivets ), I’ll bond the curved channel down onto it with tiger seal.

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