Site Update and Move to Blogger

The more observant of you may well have noticed that my site has not had an update in a very long time, this has been due to a number of reasons, but primarily it has been due to the fact that I was hand cranking the site in Frontpage. This was difficult and clunky and meant that I had to use the same computer to update the site as Frontpage uses a classis publishing model”. Now with two growing children and a busy working life it wasn’t always convenient to get to the home PC to update the build diary, and hence stuff got missed off

So as my build diary is basically a Blog I’ve decided to start using the Blogger engine to update the site. This allows me to do such things as post from anywhere using a browser or email and so I hope to update the site more frequently.

Also I’ve over written the existing Evo driving diary home page with the blog so the driving diary is currently incomplete (although the original files are still there) and I’m currently working out such issues as broken menu links and so on.

I’ll be retro entering the existing pages into the blogger format over the next coupleof months to get back to a full record

These retor posts will apear below this one.
Also I’ll be adding details of this seasons exploits so keep an eye on the expanding archives for new stuff as I catch up with the missing data.

Also the site’s RSS feed has moved it is now at

Sorry for the disruption and if any of your book marks have been broken, but I needed an easier way to update the diary so lets give this Blogger thing a go. :-)

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