The Big Tidy – still no bits

There’s not been an update to the website for 10 days or so, mainly because there has not been very much going on on the car, I’ve been away quite a lot working and neither Pace nor HI-Spec have delivered the parts that are really beginning to get very urgent now.

However, what has happened is that my Blue Genesis has been away for a week getting some minor respray work done on the front so that she is nice and shiny and I can advertise her for sale. This has left a nice big hole in the garage.

Now as many of my friends will testify I am a horrendously untidy person it’s one of my many faults, I’m aware of it and I try to combat it…… but nonetheless I AM untidy and this extends to my Garage. So since the racer arrived I’ve been tearing old parts off it and working on it… these parts along with the tools currently in use have become scattered all around the garage and you can’t walk across it without tripping over something. I was now spending 40% of my time just looking for the tools before I could start any job and this was beginning to annoy even me :-(

Additionally I have a couple of other issues. I have a very large, very quiet compressor which I bought from Machine Mart and which I currently cannot even fit in the garage, so it’s residing in a mate’s hallway some 30 miles away and I can’t use my airtools without using my backup compressor thatis bl**dy noisy. Secondly my pillar drill is perched somewhat precariously on the beer fridge in the corner of the garage and rubbing the ali swarf off your beer cans is not a fun experience. So a mammoth tidy is required and the extra space afforded by the Blue beastie being away is an ideal time to do it.

First job was to put a new worktop on my bench. the 6×3 inch timber that it’s made of has shrunk over time and now small parts and drills often fall through the gaps This took most of last Saturday to do but with Duncan’s help, and a 8×4 sheet of chipboard it now looks like this. The pillar drill is in it’s correct home and there should be space below for the compressor monster.

Over the last five days I have been collecting, tools, organising cabinets, making trips to the dump and generally sorting the place out. Now I can say for the first time that all my tools are in their correct places and not scattered all over the garage, house and car.
This has not been the most interesting of diary entries I’m afraid, but I have been asked by several people why there has been no recent updates. Still it does prove that my site gets some attention :-)

*****STOP Press*****
Hi-Spec have promised me the outstanding parts next week. Oh hang on that’s April Fools week isn’t it?

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