Sylva J15


Now I love my Genesis, I love the shape, the performance and the uniqueness of it. But I have to admit my eye has also been drawn to the new Sylva Spectre J15. It is a mid engined full bodied car, redolent of the 60s racers of old, with more than a touch of classic Ferrari/Lambo about it’s styling. Based on the R!ot chassis, and created by the renowned Jeremy Phillips. Tim and I spent a very pleasant day today looking at the first prototype at Jeremy’s workshop. There are two main points.

1)The car is every bit as lovely in the flesh as in the pictures I’ve seen, and should be fine for racing.

2)Jeremy and his Wife are really very,very nice folks.

3)Both me and Tim can fit in it, although Tim would need to adjust the pedals for his Extendo-Legs ™

IMGP0947For the first time I’ve seen another car where I thought “I’d sell the Genesis for one of those”. So if you want a nicely dialed in Class A or B RGB car drop me a line :-) .

Don’t you think it would look fabulous in Subaru Blue? Plus being 10- 20% smaller than the Genesis in every direction I think even a biffer like me could get on the weight limit for mid engined cars.) Plus I could get away with a smaller trailer.

My head says “You’ve a working race car that you’ve finally got dialed in”…. My heart says…”Oooh Me want one”

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