Avoiding the Cowpats!

If I may quote Edmund Blackadder “The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the Devils’s own satanic herd!”. Well the path of this respray seems to have been long and arduous and indeed strewn waist deep with steaming piles of demonic manure!

However today, for once I avoided sinking knee deep in the nasty stuff, and managed to tip toe round the worst of it.

Enough of the dungy metaphor, lets just say that today was pretty successful, as you can see from the index picture above I managed at long last to get the last sidepod primed, flatted and sprayed blue. It’s got one or two little sags in the clear coat, but nothing to be too worried about, given the state of the underlying surface. Anyway it’s nothing a suitable sticker won’t cover.

At various times while coats of paint were drying I got on with a bunch of other little jobs from the to-do list, and this included fitting the right hand sidepod I painted yesterday.

So the car now looks like this! (at least from one side)

The angle is a bit of a cheat to make the most of the light and hide the missing left hand pod,from the other it looks like this. which I always think looks like one of those cutaway drawings that show things inner workings.

I got the rear frame fitted, the electrics connected, the whole car tidied a bit, the rear floor screwed in place, the front floor screws trimmed and after the photos were taken nearside body clips mounted to the finished side pod.

Basically I think one or two good evening’s work will see her ready for taking to Snett, providing I can corner weight it while I’m there in one of the garages. I now need to repack the exhaust, make a bit of front wiring loom, and mount the shift lights/palm display up in the binnacle and I’m pretty much done. Phew!

There’s still a bunch of stuff to be done before the first race like fitting headlights and race numbers and front tow eye, for a start but If I can bring her home in one piece from Snett I will, I hope no longer have the skankiest car in the paddock!

So if you see me at Snett please don’t run into me ;-) and I’ll try not to bend her (touch wood).

I’ve got to admit, that she looks pretty good if you’re not close enough to see the patina!

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