Wiring + General Faff

Firstly here is a picture of the of the new dashboard taken in the daylight. I’m not sure you can see much more detail than the night time pictures above, but you do get a better impression of how it nestles neatly under the lip of the front bodywork.

Right on with the day’s work.

I had such plans for today but commitments elsewhere reduced my available time substantially so much so that I only got a couple of hours work done on the car.

My main aim was to get the dash and all the front looms interconnected and permanently bound up and p clipped in placed, along with the main feeds from the battery, the FIA ignition switch and the feeds to the engine management loom. Erm No it wasn’t going to happen, firstly I discovered I hadn’t got the right size connectors for the FIA switch, then I can’t bind up the dash looms as I haven’t yet got all the sensor wires in place for the ECU loom and I can’t put the ECU loom in because I haven’t yet got the mounting brackets sorted and I need to check the regs for appropriate positioning. It was one of those days when you just get lost in a big trail of dependencies that prevent you doing the jobs that you had got planned. Faff, faff, fafffing about and thinking about what needed doing….. not the most productive of spannering time.

From memory the ECU cannot be in the driver’s compartment, but must be in a position that allows easy inspection by the scrutineers to ensure it is the correct unit, this means in the engine bay, but away from the exhausts, and also largely protected from water..hmmmmm.

Anyway what I did succeed in doing was to wire up the dash to the front bodywork loom. So when I now turn on my headlights they come on, or rather one of then comes on. And when I flip up the main beams, they come on, or rather only one of them comes on too!. There are some bulbs missing…. which made checking their operation with good Mrs M a bit comical. Still all was working nicely.

I also managed to finish painting the diff carrier mounting bracketry so that it can go back in tomorrow, and in the evening (on the Kitchen table because it was too damn cold in the Garage) I put the diff back into the diff carrier. Sorry Mrs M

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