New Instruments

New InstrumentsSo with the engine ready to go back in I’ve just got a couple of little things to do before I can start the fitting process. No 1 is to fit a couple of new instruments.

Last year I ran Tim’s Palm Pilot based Dashboard

It worked a treat, and gave me oil temp and pressure reliably, when the Palm itself was stable. However the Palm OS can be a little unstable and going round Brands prodding the reset dialog or declining the option to run a Hotsync cycle is probably best avoided, Also the temp and pressure is feed by the DL1 and I need to release those inputs.

So I’m going for some old fashioned capillary tube gauges for Oil temp and pressure.

I think I’ve proven the stability of the CBR1000RR engine so I’d rather use the inputs to log the suspension activity.

Hence I spent a little time making the new mini dash above.

In fact I spent quite a lot of time making two versions …. the first effort was coming along nicely until I picked the wrong hole saw from the box and cut a clearance hole rather than a mounting hole for the gauges, which on trial fitting promptly dropped right through. Hmmph.

Actually having completed the task I’m a little concerned that the nylon pressure tubes may be damaged by the heat in the engine bay so I’m going to wrap them in some heat reflective tubes. Once the pressure tubes are run I can then refit the engine, currently w

e are on track for this weekend.

After a few sessions running I may adopt the old trick of rotating the gauges so the the normal “nominal” operating position is aligned with 12 Oclock. That apparently makes it easier to identify that all systems are

normal at a glance as all the needles point straight up.

Last thing tonight was to measure the exhaust dimensions so that Tim can get a new one made up for his new CBR1000RR installation.

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