Farewell to the Sabre (Temporarily)

Well, after a week of frantic widget making and welding, I still ended up with loads to do on Saturday morning so an early start was required, but I had finally managed to find a local powder coating firm who were willing to hang around  on a Saturday to allow me to deliver the chassis to them.  So a big up to  Fentec.co.uk

Duncan and I were just about to load it on the trailer when we spotted  the last missing weld, so quickly dropped it back in the garage rolled out the welder one last time.  But here she is about to depart to get coated in RAL 5024 Pastel Blue powder coat, which  I don’t think will clash too much with my favourite Subaru Blue that the body work will eventually be painted in.  And is still a light colour…. I’m hoping it will be close to RAF blue.

This is quite a big day, as hopefully most of the major fabrication is done.   She went off with a box of 10 other components including engine mounts, chassis mount and gear shift components.

And while she is away I think I’ll paint the garage floor.


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