Tag Archives: Side Pods

Yeah Baby!

Now I thought I was making an air duct for the side of a race car, but it appears that instead, I’ve been making some wierd piece of plastic sixties furnatrue.  A bright yellow Chaise for Chrstine Keeeler perhaps?  Well … Continue reading

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Resin, Resin Everywhere!

Not much to say today except I got a couple of layers of gelcoat and CSM laid up on the buck for the  side pod ducts, as you can see the under-layer of gel is orange, and (as you can’t … Continue reading

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Yet More Mouldings

Many hours today again spent breathing styrene… which I have to say I rather like. :-) Firstly we made another floor in the right hand side mould. This time, instead of using ply as the longitudinal stiffeners we hadded two extra … Continue reading

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New Floor Mk1

So having made a mould, it was time to make a floor.  The plan was gelcoat,tissue, 1 layer of chopped strand mat, reinforcing strips of 6mm ply, and then a final layer of woven rovings. All laid up with polyester … Continue reading

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New Side Pod Floors

It was apparent, well blatantly obvious really given the overheating problems  that ruined my 2009 season, that managing the airflow into and out of the radiators is of crucial importance.  When we originally moved to radiators to the sides pods … Continue reading

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The Big Tidy + Extra Cooling

This saturday Dunc and I spent half the day clearing the garage of 1000 variable types of sh*… erm rubbish. Duncan felt that the occasion of my work bench being clear occurred so infrequently that it deserved recording for posterity. … Continue reading

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Time to Start Chucking Paint Around

This entry is in reverse order, as I wanted to use this rather spiffing pic of the newly painted airbox. As I said before I’m trying to get the car to be all one colour this season, (I take a … Continue reading

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