Daily Archives: October 14, 2006

Preparation for the Birkett

I spent much of the day today doing preparation for the Birkett relay race in two weeks time, we have a set of team orders that requires such things as external battery hookups for start\boost batteries and general things like … Continue reading

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Progress Swinging Sump for Next Year

Today I popped over to see Nova Engineering. And had a good chat with Graeme about the CBR 1000 RR swinging sump system that I’ll be using next year. A couple of useful pieces of information emerged. The first is … Continue reading

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A Fruitful Development Partnership

I’ve just a very fruitful visit to my local engineering company Nova Race Gearboxes. I found them while looking for a billet sump system for the CRB1000RR The owner is such a racing enthusiast so we spent a long time … Continue reading

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