Category Archives: Winter 2008 Rebuild

Back To Brands Hatch for More Fun and another Trophy!

I arrived on Saturday Evening, a bit later than hoped due to being diverted through Yaxley as a new footbridge was being hoisted across my route to the A1. On route also discovered, that the Winnebago is only about 3 inches … Continue reading

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A "Moment" at Anglesey

It seems that blogger now supports video, so here’s a “moment” at Anglesey. The entry on the start/finish straight was problematical all weekend and here is a little clip of when I got it quite a bit wrong.  I distinctly remember thinking … Continue reading

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What fun in the Sun Anglesey

Thursday/Friday Testing Duncan and I arrived at around 2am after a pretty long drive across the centre of the country. we simply crashed out until the  following day.  Arriving at night meant we missed all the scenery and the circuit … Continue reading

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The long list of Odds and Sods.

You know I can always tell when I’m getting towards the end of a build the engine bay starts to look like it has been visited by the NASA fairies, as I finalise the cable and fuel line routing and … Continue reading

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The Critical Path to getting out at Lydden

I’m really up against it now if I’m going to get the car out at the next meeting at Lydden Hill in Kent. I’m on holiday this week finishing off a few jobs around the house and trying to get … Continue reading

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