Category Archives: Reverse

Forwards to reverse.

Not much time spent on the racer this weekend, as I’ve been trying to crack on with the mini, and I chose to sacrifice a day’s spannering time to help help out Tim in his pre season shakedown test over … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, Reverse | Leave a comment

Sabre Engine Mounts, Gearshift, Steering and Reverse

I’ve not got too much done on the Sabre this week, as I’ve been focusing on the mini for a few days (which will be the subject of a separate update) and then just when I was ready to focus … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, engine mounts, gear shift, Reverse, Steering | Leave a comment

Finally Getting ready for Brands

Well, in the last three weeks we’ve achieved a fair bit of small but critical works, in the run up to the cars first outing at Brands next weekend. First up I created, an actuation mechanism for the reverse system, … Continue reading

Posted in paint, Reverse, Winter 2009 Rebuild | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

So What’s been going on this winter?

After some gentle reminding, and indeed some firm poking with a sharp stick from various readers of this blog I thought I’d do an update and answer the question “What has been going on?”.  Indeed even Tim has been poked … Continue reading

Posted in Diff, Diff mounting, paint, Reverse, winch | Leave a comment

More progress to report :-)

First up I completed the wiring for the new rainlight that is now required by this year’s regulations, OOOOh look a glowing set of LEDS that look almost identical to the last set of glowing LEDS that were fitted there. … Continue reading

Posted in handbrake cable, rain light, Reverse | Leave a comment

It Moves!

The car has today, moved forwards and backwards under it’s own steam. Given that I’ve pretty much completely replaced the engine, transmission, clutch & brakes you can imagine the was a pretty big moment. .An added advantage was that at … Continue reading

Posted in Diff, Reverse | Leave a comment