Category Archives: 1275GT mini

2013 RGB Season – Early Report

Ok I’ve been a bit lax on updates this year, so I thought I would consolidate a bunch updates into a series of reports for you.  The first half of the season has certainly been eventful. With the mini done, … Continue reading

Posted in 1275GT mini, AB Performance Sabre, Engine, Suspension | Leave a comment

The Mini is Finished :-)

Sorry, this is a long over view post…. I’ve no excuses, except the mad panic to finish the mini continued until Valentine’s day, and consequently the time to get the Sabre prep’d for the season was compressed into just a … Continue reading

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Mini Progress…. Well major progress really :-)

So what’s been going on since the Birkett? Those of you that have been following the Sabre build may have noticed along the way that there was a  mini clubman loitering in the background.  Sometime’s loved,  sometimes waiting, but it’s … Continue reading

Posted in 1275GT mini | 1 Comment

The 2012 750 Motor Club Birkett 6 Hour Handicap Relay – Pre Race test.

Well we made it to the Birkett.  The road has been long and arduous, and the pathway is strewn with my broken promises about finishing my wife’s 1979 1275gt mini about which I feel very guilty… But  here we are..we’ve … Continue reading

Posted in 1275GT mini, AB Performance Sabre, Birkett, Silverstone, Testing | 2 Comments

Double Isolation

Excuse the horrible pun, but today Duncan and I made significant progress, on two major components.  The first is the electrical isolator and its associated wiring, that kills the whole car power supply, and the  second is the main bulkhead … Continue reading

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Mini Approaching Completion of the Welding and Mechanical Refurb.

I’m currently trying to serve two masters. I’m desperately trying to get this mini finished so that it can be drivable in the fine, warm dry, summer we’re bound to have for a couple of days some time between June and … Continue reading

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First New Paint On the mini.

After a morning of clay bashing with Katie in the bright sunshine, the rising temperatures gave me some hope that my plan of chucking the new paint at the mini engine bay would meet with success.   So I masked off … Continue reading

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Mini Update

I promised to keep you updated on progress on the mini, and there has indeed been some significant progress. The new wing was welded on last time, and I currently working towards putting hed  back on her wheels, so that … Continue reading

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