Category Archives: AB Performance Sabre

Rear Suspension Complete

Hurrah,  one end of the car is complete. I thought I’d post a of picture of what I’ve been up to this week. Basically I’ve been building the rear anti roll bar links and spacers.  The Links are turn buckles … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, Suspension | Leave a comment

Body & Suspension

OK, we’re making good progress now, as we move to the end game.   First up bodywork.  I had picked up the remaining mounting plinth for the right hand side pod last week, and Duncan (and his duff knee) spent … Continue reading

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More on “The Big Push”

Here we are at the first of October, and the Birkett is now just 26 days away.  So here’s a bit more detail on the big push to get this car completed and tested in time. Right I do have … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, Brakes, dl1, driveshafts, Engine, Exhaust pipes | 2 Comments

Pedals, Intake and Extinguisher

Right.. the best (and last) race of the season, the 750MC Holly Birkett 6 Hour handicap race is about a month away, so I’ve really got to get this beastie finished, in the next 3 weeks, if I’m going to … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, Brakes | Leave a comment

Coolant, Oil, Clutch and Drive

Lots of small jobs make this week’s post less than riveting  I’m afraid.  But they are all on the route to making this beast drivable. Firstly, I’ve replaced all those silicone bends in the coolant system with some bespoke bent ali … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, Brakes, Cooling, Data Logging, driveshafts | Leave a comment

Brakes and Cooling.

I’ve much  progress to report again today.  Which is a good thing, as while I’ve missed my target of being at the Anglesey meeting in Mid August,  I do not want to miss the Birkett at the end of October. … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, Brakes, Cooling | 2 Comments

Wheels on my Wagon! .. well 2 at least.

Stop press.  This car will move!…. well at least it would if I hitched it up onto its right hand side Dukes of Hazard (or if you’re under 40 Fast’n’ Furious) style, as it currently only has the right hand … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, damper, handbrake calliper, Suspension | Leave a comment

Cough cough, splutter…. cough cough Grrowwwwlllll :-)

Well its been about a month since my last post, but despite my tardyness on digital reporting, I’ve not been idle.  I’ve been steadily driving forward towards to the magic moment when the beast bursts into life.  You may recall … Continue reading

Posted in AB Performance Sabre, Engine, Exhaust pipes, Fuel | 1 Comment